
Rekindle Client Relationships in 3 Steps

It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to capture new leads, but don’t neglect your former clients.  If a client has taken their business elsewhere it doesn’t mean they are lost for good. Instead of throwing up your hands, start formulating a plan to win back their business. Here are some effective tips for a smart strategy to win back the ones who got away.  

3 ways to rekindle client relationships and inactive accounts.

Reach Out ASAP & Find Out Why

The more time goes by, the greater the odds your client will stay away or find an agency elsewhere. Contact them sooner rather than later and find out exactly why they left. Touch base, see how they’re doing, visit them in person if possible and see if there’s anything you can do for them. You may jar their memory on why they chose you in the first place and it could improve your relationship.  

Always Personalize Your Communications

Personalize everything. We’re living in the era of personalization. Research has found that only 5% of companies personalize extensively—and that’s a scary low number. Clients want to know that you actually know them and that they aren’t another faceless number in your contact list.  Use their name whenever possible when speaking with them or through email—it makes your words more personal and will build strong bonds that are harder to break. Make it a point to know how many kids they have, when their birthday is, what their favorite color or restaurant is and save this information in their contact information to use as a reference point for all communication to make it personalized. Always do a little extra if you want to thrive in the insurance industry.

Offer Something of Value

If you’ve been out of touch for a while, pay attention to what made your client go MIA in the first place and try to rectify the issue (if any). When you contact them, don’t just do it when you have something to sell. Look out for the client’s best interest and call (or write) when you have something that will be valuable to them. Always seek out ways to help the client without furthering your own agenda. Instead of feeling taken advantage of, they will see how you looked past the short-term gain and will ultimately value your relationship for the long haul.  

At the core, solid client relationships are all about just that—relationships! And loyal customers are the most dependable, and therefore the most profitable in the long run.  


Keeping customers engaged and staying relevant is critical to rekindling any lost client relationships. A satisfied, happy customer will return to you again and again. Not only will they be loyal to you and your agency, they’ll also refer your services.  

Pivot Your Insurance Agency Towards Sustainable Growth Are you an insurance agent who feels that your agency is stuck? Is your team grinding new leads each month yet your agency never seems to grow? Client Focus has worked with thousands of agents over the past 15 years just like you. Our purpose is to help your insurance agency pivot onto a path to sustainable growth.

A Practical approach to building sustainable growth for your insurance agency

By Client Focus | October 12, 2017 | client retention tips |
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