
Tips for Selling Insurance by Serving Your Clients

If you’re searching for quick tips, fast fixes, make-money-fast gimmicks for selling insurance, you’re in the wrong place. At Client Focus, we believe that in order to build a long-lasting, high-value, and loyal client base, you need to focus on one goal: exceptional service. By serving instead of selling, you’ll find that your agency will grow organically and you’ll receive more referrals over time. Here are our tips for selling insurance… the right way.

The Last Tips for Selling Insurance You’ll Need to Succeed

Build a relationship based on compassion.

As an insurance agent, you have both the responsibility and privilege of helping your clients protect what matters most. By taking the time to learn about your clients, and know what matters to them, you’ll be able to build a meaningful relationship and serve them with true compassion. This compassion will help you to remain authentic and drive you to find the right solutions for their needs. Clients who feel that you have their best interests in mind will stay with you for a very long time.

Serve your clients.

At Client Focus, we write a lot about serving over selling. No one wants to be sold to - but good service is hard to ignore. While buying insurance is not necessarily a “fun” item on a client’s to-do list, it’s an important task - and if you can take care of their insurance needs and provide an amazing experience at the same time, your clients will take note. By treating your clients with respect and ensuring they have the perfect solutions for protecting their family and their assets, they will walk away from a meeting feeling satisfied. And a satisfied client is sure to send more potential clients your way.

Ask for an introduction.

One of our biggest tips for selling insurance is to ask for an introduction, not a referral. Why do we say this? It all goes back to the idea that no one wants to be sold to. By asking for a referral specifically, your clients might feel like they are being pressured to bring you more business. That is the opposite reaction you want. By providing exceptional customer service, earning your clients’ trust, and then asking for an introduction from a satisfied client, you’re creating an opportunity to meet other potential clients without the pressure of “selling”.

Serving your clients is easier than selling and yields better results.

Believe it or not, fantastic customer service is the last sales gimmick you’ll ever need. By providing the solutions your clients need, treating them with care and compassion, and providing an excellent experience, you’ll be sure to see long-term success in your agency.


Pivot Your Insurance Agency Towards Sustainable Growth Are you an insurance agent who feels that your agency is stuck? Is your team grinding new leads each month yet your agency never seems to grow? Client Focus has worked with thousands of agents over the past 15 years just like you. Our purpose is to help your insurance agency pivot onto a path to sustainable growth.

A Practical approach to building sustainable growth for your insurance agency

By Client Focus | June 27, 2018 | Selling Insurance |
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